Annitor Tunisie

The immediate future of Annitor Group called Annitor Tunisie

The idea that has long haunted the mind of the CEO of Annitor Group is becoming a reality with the creation of society Annitor Tunisie, Tunisian law firm.

Our engineering and industrial group has always believed in the future of this North African state, but mostly Mediterranean, young and enthusiastic as evidenced by its recent history.

Annitor he reaches Tunisia with the intention of staying, train their own employees, their technicians and their leaders.

Annitor Tunisie will be managed mainly by Tunisians which fully corresponds to the philosophy of implementation of the group, always.

In a first stage, the investment will be more than 7 million euros in the first 18 months.

This means that in a first stage more than 90 direct jobs, highly qualified, especially in engineering and facilities of renewable energy plants were created. In a first stage photovoltaic, wind and biomass in a second.

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